We've all known for a while that Rosario Dawson was a rare breed of bombshell—the startling, space-oddity, multi-culti features; the preposterous hourglass curves; the endless stream of sass—but just for the record, she knew it herself way before the rest of us. The lightbulb went on, she says, when she still was in her teens, before she shimmied for Edward Norton in 25th Hour, before she made gold-digging defensible in He Got Game, even before Larry Clark cast her in Kids straight off a stoop on Manhattan's Lower East Side. "I took a picture with my friend in a bikini," she recalls. "Around then, I didn't have it because I didn't want it. But I fit the clothes well, you know?" Yes. We know.
Dawson is now 33, and in her new film, Trance, a violent art-heist flick from Slumdog Millionaire director (and Dawson's ex-boyfriend) Danny Boyle, she plays an opportunistic hypnotherapist who shows way more of it than most actresses would ever dare. Put it this way: Trance will likely be remembered as the first, and probably last, movie in cinema history in which a bald-eagled nether region is a central plot point. In the story's unfolding, it's practically Inception's spinning top. We kept waiting for someone to tip our chairs back and wake us up. Never happened, fortunately.
Source: GQ Magazine
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